3 Powerful Things You Actually Need To Start Writing A Book Today

So, for a long time, I had this idea whirling around in my head. I wanted to write a novel… But I had no idea where to start… Now you might be like me, thinking about what it would be like to write a book, but will you ever actually do it? What if you stopped saying “one day” and you just went and did it? I’ll tell you what… you should because there is nothing stopping you from starting, only fear and perhaps a belief that you need certain abilities to write a book. But what if you could write without fear? And you could learn as you went? It’s possible!

It’s not about writing tricks or techniques.

The thing about writing is there isn’t one way that works every single time for every single kind of person and kind of writing. Whether you want to write a novel, or a short story, or a memoir, there are thousands of ways you could put pen to paper.

So, what will work for you? What method of getting from A to B will get that story that’s in your head, that you want to tell, to the next step? What even is the next step?

And wait – don’t you need to know stuff before you start?

What do you need to know before you start writing?

Write Ingredient number 1 – the Write Goal

So, what are the key things you need to know about writing before you start? I’ll tell you what they’re simple things like what your goal is long term and daily. How committed are you to this goal? What are you going to do to make it happen?

Once you know these things you’re golden, because without knowing where you’re headed no amount of fancy footwork will get you there. Trust me! I’ve written a thing or two and starting sounds like the easy part – but it’s only just the beginning.

Ok so you have a goal.

What else do you need?

Write Ingredient number 2 – the Write Mindset

I’d say the next thing on the list is an understanding of your mind… because writing is not like other sports… It’s a whole different ball game!

Have you ever experienced whilst writing something a little voice that tells you what you’ve written is rubbish?

If you haven’t – then I guarantee you that when you start writing more you’ll discover this unpleasant and wholly unhelpful little chap. The guy wants you to stop writing because what you’ve written somehow isn’t good enough. And it may have a point. But there is a time to listen to this little voice and a time to ignore it… and you need to know when to do what!

I wouldn’t say that you can’t write without knowing this. But once you understand what the fight in your head is all about, you’re much more prepared to deal with it. And more likely to win at writing!

Write Ingredient number 3 – Bravery

With any meaningful goal, one universal ingredient to winning the writing game is to apply your bravery. Because anything worth doing even when it’s fun needs bravery. You can write without heart, but writing with heart is a much more enjoyable experience. So, take a leap, and write about things you care about and the things you’re passionate about. But bravery doesn’t stop there. You should write without fear of your own flaws because even the best writers have them. Whether it’s poor grammar, or a lack of “the right education”, or a limited vocabulary, you don’t need to be anyone other than who you are. You and only can tell the stories that are held up inside of you.

So why not be bold, and brave… and Write!

If you want a fun and freeing way to start writing message me on Facebook with the word “Fun and Free” and I’ll send you a writing challenge!

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