Relationships and Nature – The Free Way to Finding Fulfillment in Your Life

We’ve all heard the old adage the best things in life are free, but, really are they? Are your relationships – your connection with people, and nature – your connection with the natural world around you really the ultimate way to find further fulfillment in your life?

Here’s why the best things in life ARE not what you can buy.

Often in life the things the media glamourizes are not free and for obvious reasons. The media and product companies have to sell stuff (products or experiences) and they can only sell what you’ll pay for. But what if the reality is If you can’t pay for what will actually make you happy? Well then “they” have to make you think that what you can buy will make you happier!

So you’re sold cosmetics, and cars, holidays and food, all in the name of happiness. Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind having a car that gets me from A to B, that I can rely on and I also don’t have a problem with going on a fantastic memory-making holiday either. But the issue is when you begin to fill your life with these things in place of other really important elements that really do have a big impact on the way you feel about your life and how fulfilled you are.

With plenty of examples of rich and famous people with BIG problems, I think it’s fair to say money can’t buy you happiness.  

That being said, there are a few things in life that are free from monetary constraints that really serve to enrich your life and truly have a lasting impact.

Since you can’t always change the financial circumstance you were born into it’s a good thing that you have some control over the factors that influence fulfillment in your life.

These factors broadly fall into categories I’ll call “relationships” and “nature.”

First, let’s tackle Relationships


There are all kinds of relationships that affect the way we see the world and ourselves. But what kind of relationships are we talking about? Well all of them, but most specifically the rare kind of quality relationship that can only be developed over time. Because in a world where we count our numbers of friends into the hundreds and perhaps even thousands there is a unique kind of fulfillment that comes with being able to share some part of your life with others in a deeper way.

So, what does a quality relationship look like?

Well, some key features of the relationship that you should be aiming for are:

  • Trust
  • Respect
  • Care
  • Communication

These are the traits of a positive relationship and regardless of the variety require some time, energy, and effort to grow.

These quality relationships are worth their weight in gold and are rarer than hens’ teeth, but that doesn’t mean you can’t start cultivating or even searching.

If you want to read more about surrounding yourself with people who make yourself better – click here!

An important point about relationships

All quality relationships require some sacrifice on the part of yourself, they require you to give instead of take, and listen instead of speaking. Great relationships require you to think and care for the other person and maybe even reflect on what that person would prefer above yourself. This is a little counterintuitive to what you might deep down believe, but truly, sometimes the easiest and most surprising ways to fulfillment require a complete 180 in terms of approach. When it comes to relationships sometimes less is really more and the best gift you can give is your time to listen or to help with chores or groceries, or homework, or whatever.

The second category that without another cent can affect how fulfilled you feel in your life is nature.


So, as mentioned before Nature is all about you and your connection to the world around you. But what does that actually look like? And why is it so important?

Nature is all around us, but in the world, we live in it may not be immediately the thing you think of when you’re seeking to find your way in the busy world we live in. Taking time out of your day to smell the roses and disconnect from the hive of busyness is critical.

What does this reconnecting with nature look like?

It’s all about slowing down and destressing, so maybe put your phone on silent or if you can bare it – off. But silent really works for me, and no vibrations please because that defeats the purpose. Take a walk in a local park or along the sidewalk beneath the shade of the trees. Or head to the rooftop a night time and do your best to spot the stars. If you live in a city this may be hard to do, but the point is to reconnect with your surroundings. Feel the wind against your cheek, is it warm or coated with frost? Enjoy the simple silence of just being still despite the goings-on in the world around you. See what sounds and noises you notice and what creatures; birds and ants, beetles and bees you begin to identify.

You don’t have to do this for long even 10 minutes out of your day and I know you’ll see a difference.

What are the benefits?

Well, there are a lot of health benefits for allowing yourself time to unwind and relax. Many people call doing something similar mindfulness, or practice yoga or tai chi to gain the same benefit. Now, those things are great and take the idea of nature or appreciation of the quiet to another place. You can choose those options or another way to incorporate the same principle in your life. Because once you start appreciating this quiet calm of nature, you’ll find it easier to find that place within yourself at any time. You’ll be more connected to your breathing and as an added bonus you’ll have a sure-fire stress-buster when you need it.

It’s that simple.

To find true fulfillment in your life you’ll want a few great quality relationships and time reconnecting with the quiet that nature brings. Relationships that leave a mutually positive impression are based on trust, respect, care, and communication are the kind that you should treasure and nurture with time and energy because they are good for you and good for the other party. And finding time for the quiet in the busyness of life will allow you the all-important opportunity to reset, decompress, and revive ready for the next adventure in your life.

So, really are the best things in life truly free?

I’d love to know what you think about the ideas of having a few but profound relationships and whether you have found a sense of place and purpose from this. And what about the idea of nature, do need to get out of the office and enjoy the fresh air? If you need an excuse, call it stress management! This activity is pretty similar to what I suggest in my blog post Feeling Overwhelmed? Check that out if that seems like something that would be helpful.

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