1 Simple Solution: How to Make Time for You & Your Dreams

It’s Time to Choose You

Here’s our simple solution to help you make time for the things you care about, you and your dreams – it’s called utilized time slivers. Simply put it’s about using those underutilized times of the day to power your life goals and dreams with purpose. Whether you’re commuting, waiting for something or someone, or decompressing from a long hard day, using these moments and knowing what to do when you get them – being prepared to take action and be present in these time slivers is how you can make time work for you.

Why Time Management is Important

In today’s fast-paced age there are more than enough distractions to cause you to sideline or sidestep your dream. Especially if you start having doubts about your abilities.  This can be a form of procrastination but it’s also a method of self-preservation. If you don’t take the risk to spend real time developing your dream into a reality, there is nothing to lose.  Your view of yourself doesn’t shift to a place of power and action and rather remains rooted in daily routines and the roles that we all play. This is why time management is so important and maximizing your time is critical.

In the past I’ve been quite good at some aspects of time management. When a deadline looms at work I can get things done, but I’ve found that as I get older and more stuck in my ways it’s harder to find time for the things that really matter to me.

So I’ve recently started reviewing the tasks and habits that I can ditch in place of my dreams. Think of all the in-between moments you have. From your daily commute to breaks at work, and downtime in the evenings. What would happen if you stopped wasting those seemingly inconsequential slivers of time?

How to Make Time For Everything

1. Identify Your Opportunities – Those Underutilized Time Slots

What if instead, you decided to use those times in the day to take action toward achieving our goals? How much time would we be talking over the course of a day that you could utilize to a fuller extent? 

These times you may currently be filling with less useful activities (social media I’m looking at you ) or nothing specific, and because you don’t have a specific purpose for these time slots you waste them away – we all do!

Now I’m not saying ditching these less useful activities altogether. But you could use some of these time slots to start taking action and doing something to be the best you can be!

Making the most of this underutilized time is the first step in improving your time management.

For more tips about how to deal with distractions in your life read this!

2. Slot in Action

The second step in the process is actually using that time to DO something. In my observations the more I hear a person talk about something they want or need to do the less they seem doing about it. Not saying that sharing your goals is a bad thing but I’ve been there doing lip service to my dreams and aspirations.  I’ve said I want x but not done the work, put in the time, or made the leap from thought to action.

Think of ways you can progress toward your goal. Maybe your dream is to be a fabulous baker? So why not swap reading about celebs on the bus home to reading and researching a technique you want to give a try. That way when you get home you can get straight to work in the kitchen and give it whirl and see what happens!  

If you want to get a better idea of what your goals might be; download your free copy of our dream building manual.

Channel the Change

The good thing is we can all change the way we view and spend our time and the best thing about this is this is how you start from where you are. You don’t have to make any major changes to your routine or cut out big chunks of time already dedicated to something else.

So maybe instead of checking in on your social media account/s 5 times a day do it 4 times. Now use the time you would have spent checking the latest posts to brainstorm what you need to take the next step in your dream journey.

Starting from where you are and ensuring you don’t set yourself a massive goal and get discouraged are very important to keep you making the most of the most finite resource you have – time. (Read more about these two topics here and also here).

The Simple Solution in Two Easy Steps:

  1. Pick one of those time slivers where you do leisure activities.
  2. Replace it with an active movement toward attaining your own dreams.

Do this for a few days and see how it feels to take a tangible step forward toward changing your life. 

How does it feel? Do you want to swap another automatically spent snackable timeslot and repurpose it to spending time build your dream life?

What challenges keep you from devoting time to developing a pathway to taking action?

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