How to Overcome Feeling Overwhelmed

When there is a lot going on it’s easy to start to feel overwhelmed by it all. There are many pulls on our attention and at the back of our minds, we know there are things we want to achieve, goals we’d like to plow through. Meanwhile, the things on our to-do lists are neverending!

We may take a quick minute to reflect on our accomplishments and our struggles. And in reflecting we can feel rather disappointed or elated at how things have gone. We start to dream and determine that this week, this month, this year, today – we will accomplish more. We will make our dreams happen. And this is when we start to feel our to-do list start to grow! The most important thing you can do is to take life one step at a time.

Take Life One Step at a Time

Sometimes when we feel situation spiraling out of control it seems like there is no way forward. The emotions are piling up, the to-do lists, the dreams, and desires won’t seem to go away. But you know you’re not coping. For you, there is just too much going on!

The first thing to do is acknowledge that life has gotten hectic. External forces have thrown you some curveballs. But never forget that with any challenge in life – it is all relative. And if you want to deal with feeling overwhelmed the best thing to do is to just take a deep breath and take each moment one step at a time. Be kind to yourself. Sometimes that is all we can do.

Other times though we can act and deal with feeling overwhelmed – it just depends on the source of your feelings.

Our To Do List

Whether we’ve always wanted to grow a veggie garden, learn a language, travel the world, do some volunteering, or finish that project you started two summers ago, the list goes on. You let the dreamer in you think big and marvel at the opportunity you have now to do all of those things.

The problem is reality can start to set in and then the crushing feelings of the tsunami of dread.

Last year you resolved to get fit and eat better, and that lasted oh… about four days and then you caved. Its true change is hard and when you have a list that will circumnavigate the world at least once, you have slim to no chance of accomplishing any of it.

To help you manage your dream-goal to-do list we have a simple way to help you narrow down your top 5! How you ask? Our Dream Building Manual will step you through the process!

The Tsunami of Doom

There is a reason you’re feeling like the walls are closing in and you’re suffocating. You’re overwhelmed and there is just too much for you to deal with, and that’s ok. We all have a thousand things on the go in our lives. There are many pulls on our time, energy, and finances, and we have responsibilities.

But we also know we want to do better.

But why do we continually set ourselves up to fail with an enormous and unrealistic list? Why do our loved ones help by adding at least a couple more items to that list and a sprinkling of guilt?

Perhaps it’s because we don’t want to forget all the pressing things we have to do. But this way of splitting our resources causes us to be at best inefficient and ineffective and at worst completely stuck, overwhelmed, and anxious.

With these emotions in play, nothing we want to accomplish will get done. It also means we’ll be staring down the barrel of next year wishing we’d have been able to accomplish more. In review, we’ll decide that we should have been able to conquer the obstacles and prevail. Or if we’ve managed to do them, we wished we’d have done them quicker!

Want to learn some tips on how to get through the tough times in your life and keep going? Check out our blog post…here

So What’s the Solution?

It sounds rather simple but prioritizing your list is one of the most important things you can do. After all, you’re only human and there are only so many hours in the day. You cannot, as much as you’d like to, do it all at once!

If you try to tackle all 27 things on your list simultaneously or start 8 of the things, you’re bound to become overwhelmed, lose momentum and stall. Even trying to progress each item long in bursts you’re bound to take extra time and lose efficiency. Instead, why not try tackle item number 1 and maybe 2 in tandem if you really need a break from one project.

I think this two-pronged approach works really well if you have two different kinds of tasks. I.e. one physical and one mental, or one indoors and one outside. This way you can take a break from one and do the other and still be getting things done on your list.

By prioritizing you are able to more efficiently tackle each item or task on your list. You also are able to adjust to the obstacles that arise and find ways to accomplish your goals. And instead of avoiding the problems that arise by turning to the next item on the list. You’ll gain a sense of fulfillment by finally being able to reduce your list. One by one those you’ll be realizing your dreams and living the life you’ve always wanted.

If you want to read more about taking things one step at a time check out our post on How to be Kinder to Yourself!

Take it One Step at a Time

Taking life one day at a time is all you can do sometimes and whatever your goals the same approach applies. This is because normally when you set your goal life is calm, and the horizon is set up in such a way that reaching your goal seems not only possible but easy too.

The difference between dreaming about your goal and doing it
When you set a new goal vs along the journey

The thing is life isn’t always easy, and no doubt on your journey to reaching your goal you will stumble and fall. Obstacles will pop up. But you can overcome them if you just take things one step at a time.

The important thing to know is you can get there – you can achieve anything you want to it just takes time.

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