There are many times in life where the thought may cross your mind, “I wish I were healthier!” Your reasons for saying so and wanting to be healthier will vary and what you actually have in mind will be unique to you too. So, why do you want to get healthy? And what does, “getting healthy” actually mean to you? If you work these two things out and have the right tools and support, you could actually stop saying “I want to be healthier” and actually make the changes to get you there.
Why do you want to get healthy?
There are a huge variety of reasons for wanting to get healthy.
Perhaps you feel uncomfortable in your own skin? Or your doctor says you have high cholesterol. Maybe you find yourself having a hard time taking a flight of stairs or just winding down from a long day.
Whatever state your health is in right now is probably something that you would like to improve and are capable of changing if you have the right tools and motivation to do so.
Really, a lot of being successful at getting healthy is getting your head right. If you can figure out why you’re doing what you’re doing and what you are willing to sacrifice in order to reach your goal then you’ll be doing yourself a favor.
It’s so easy to start out strong and then fall at the first hurdle that you come across, and knowing what the value of the change means to you is important.
What does getting healthy mean to you?
This is another very individual question. But this is the goal you are setting out towards. If you want to get healthy then you need to know the point you’re aiming for because there are so many ways to define “healthy” or “healthier”.
Getting healthier may mean developing new habits like going to the gym 3 times a week, consuming more water. Or learning to find time to relax each day in your busy schedule.
Getting healthy may also mean giving up unhealthy habits like smoking or eating too much of the wrong thing, or excessive drinking.
So, ask yourself what getting healthy means to you, what in your eyes defines a healthy lifestyle?
Why is it so hard to be healthy or get healthy?
If it were as simple as saying what you wanted, then it would be easy to be healthier. But unfortunately, just saying, I want to be healthier, get leaner, feel more relaxed, or get better sleep isn’t quite enough.
Getting healthy usually means sacrificing some of the instantaneous gratification. Your current lifestyle probably give you plenty of this! And getting healthy requires making some changes to how you go about your daily life.
Making changes to your health habits is difficult. This is because we make so many instantaneous decisions about our health without having to think about the effects until a long while down the track (#Invisible Barriers).
If eating chocolate meant instantaneously putting on 10 pounds, then you’d think twice about it. But because the effects are cumulative you are less inclined to decline that scrumptious offering from your loved ones.
So too are the benefits of being more physically active. These bear cumulative results that are often hard to see until many weeks or months after the effort has consistently been applied.
How can you be healthier?
If you’re still reading this article you have the will to make the changes and difficult in the moment decisions that will leave you healthier in 30 days.
So, what can you do and how can DustyDreamerHQ help? Well, we’re running a 30 day change challenge, where you get to decide what you want to change about your health, and we help you get there.
We’ll be implementing some changes ourselves and reporting on the friction we experience in our own lives. We’ll also be giving you encouragement and inspiration and answering all of your questions.
Do you like the sound of getting healthier and making a change in your life with the support of the DustyDreamerHQ team? Then join our free 30 day Change Challenge today and we’ll send you your own Get Healthy Guide to help you get started.

And I’m sure you have people you care about who would like to get healthier so why not share this post with them? And while you’re at it join us on Facebook and follow us on Pinterest. We’d love to be able to inspire as many people as we can!