The Simple Truth About How to Quit Sugar and Reclaim Your Life

I’ve quit sugar once before and know the absolute huge benefits for doing so. I lost 10kg or 22 pounds the first time I did the deed and now I want to show you how you can do it too.

The method I use is a mixture between the popular “keto” and the “low carb”
styles of eating. Why am I doing this again? Well, I recently went on a bit of a holiday and relaxed my eating habits and put on some of what I had lost. So now that I am back to normal life at home I am ready to get back to eating properly and actually excited to eat the food that not only helps me lose weight but also helps me feel fabulous, fresh, and free (you’ll hear way more about this later!)

What does quitting sugar actually mean to me?

Quitting sugar means getting rid of the white/brown stuff from my life in all forms. The obvious foods like chocolates and candy, as well as the not so obvious. These are the foods that will simultaneously make your palate salivate and reduce your self-control and will to lose weight or get healthy. So here are the rules I will be sticking to for the next few weeks.

The Quit Sugar Rules to Take Back Your Life and Lose Weight

  1. Absolutely no sweets, sugary soft drinks
  2. Avoid processed foods like the plague, (especially when you’re getting started)
  3. No bread, oats, wheat, cereal, pasta, potatoes (high carbs)
  4. Avoid alcohol
  5. Eat 3 meals and 2 snacks a day
  6. Drink a whole lot of water (your body retains water when you stop giving it water) (read more here)
  7. Try and move more and stress less (go here for more tips on moving more)
  8. Get enough sleep (want more tips – read this)
  9. Record weight loss (want to know why tracking your progress will make all the difference – go here)
  10. Keep positive – this really works (more on this here)

What to expect?

There are quite a few things you aren’t able to eat when you are quitting sugar cold turkey and this is because you want to help your body establish a new norm. You should as with any radical lifestyle change consult a doctor and take a moderate balanced approach. This is a slow process but you will start seeing results and feeling better after a few weeks.

At the very least you will stop being a slave to the sugar cravings! But be warned the first few days of this can be rough, remember you’ve trained your body to want sugar, and it will scream out for that crystal white (or brown) stuff without fail.

Also, you will begin to notice how much you can’t eat, and really be super tempted to cave when your friends decide to have an afternoon tea with cake and your colleagues celebrate every day with chocolates, after work drinks, and morning tea treats.

Your resolve will be tested, but you can do this! If you need a little encouragement check out our post on Invisible Barriers to see if you are your own worst enemy, (I know I was for such a long time).

So far I’ve been a little hungry and when I get hungry I crave sugar. It’s a habit I’ve developed over time where when I’m hungry I reach for the carb and sugar-loaded foods. I like so many out there rode the highs and lows of my very own though hard to admit sugar addiction.

What Do I Eat?

The key here is to eat regularly.

Your main meals; breakfast, lunch, and dinner should comprise of protein + low carbohydrates + natural fats

Your snacks should be mainly protein-based, but can include some low carbs if you feel like you a) need them because you’re hungry, b) to add flavor to your protein (because let’s face it protein on its own can be pretty bland).

Proteins (~20g):

These are proteins for you for all your meals and snacks, looking at the list you may be inclined to think you’ll get bored but trust me this food will excite you and make you feel alive again!

  • Beef, Lamb, Fish, Chicken, etc (100-120g)
  • Eggs (2 per serve)
  • Cheese (~30g is a serve of most cheese except ricotta and cottage cheese(150g of this is enough for a serve))

Low Carbohydrates (as much as you want):

Low carbs include things that really won’t surprise you, some people call them “free foods”, but really they give your body the nourishment that it requires.

  • Lettuce
  • Cucumber
  • Tomato
  • Peppers (aka Capsicum – depending on where you’re from)
  • Onion
  • Mushrooms
  • Strawberries
  • Raspberries
  • Lemon
  • Melon

You will notice there are a lot of fruits and vegetables not on this list, that is because they are higher in natural sugars. When you begin this process the best thing to do is avoid these then once your body adjusts and you start seeing weight loss you can gradually you can add them into your meals and see how your body reacts.

Healthy Fats

Healthy fats include:

  • a small amount of oil or butter,
  • a handful of nuts (almonds give you the best bang for your fat buck, 12 is a good number),
  • a quarter avocado… etc…

Be Brave – Embrace the You You’ve Always Wanted to be

This journey of quitting sugar will test you and your resolve. If you aren’t sure you can do this you can! Be prepared, you will feel the temptation and the constant nagging urge of your body craving the sugar to cave. Your friends, family, and coworkers will notice you saying “No Thanks,” to the food you normally accept. They might make this harder for you by saying things like, “Just this once?” Or they might offer you things they know you won’t eat over and over again. I had a colleague do this every day for nearly 3 months before she got the idea I was never going to say yes. But be strong you are making this change for you.

You will feel better without the sugar and your life will not be over (I truly thought it was when I started). There are so many wonderful (and healthy) substitutes to sugar, and I can share with you my secrets for staying strong when the temptation surrounds me if you’re interested.

And if you need a hand I am always available and happy to help!

So will you be brave and start saying no to the sugar and begin to build the life of your dreams today?

Don't miss the next blog post!

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