Embrace Your Inner Diamond & Appreciate Your Unique Sparkle

The other day I was fortunate enough to visit a diamond mine. Amongst many interesting observations and wonderful experiences was this simplest of observations; a rough diamond doesn’t look much like anything special when it’s rough. It’s only once it’s cut that the true beauty is revealed. This made me think about each of our uniqueness and what it takes to go from rough to radiant. So, if you’re feeling a little discouraged this one is for you.

There are many rocks but only diamond like you

In life, we tend to compare ourselves to others; what they have, who they’re with, where they’ve been. This is an incredibly destructive habit and one that is super difficult to break. The thing is there is no one in the world like you, there never has and never will be. Even if you meet someone and you have many things in common, more than average say; I guarantee you’ll still have plenty of differences too they just might not be so obvious at first.

What you have, the essence of you are your upbringing and your experiences are unique and personal to you. The stuff around you doesn’t define who you are, nor does the person you’re with, or where you’ve been; although these do add to who you are.

So, who are you?

What makes you a rough diamond? Well let’s start with the diamond bit, what are your strengths, what are you good at? Where in life do you flourish and grow without really having to try and put much effort?

As you’re probably aware the diamond is the hardest substance in the world, so think of your strengths and also your inner beauty. What things do you do that make others around you better? Is it your generosity or your smile? Or do you care for someone who is unwell? There are many ways in which we can view ourselves and like diamonds we each have many facets that can sparkle if given half a chance.

It takes high temperatures and pressures to form a diamond

Way back in earth’s history before humans the magmas were hotter and the environment that produced the diamonds was at a much higher temperature and pressure than is even possible today. Like diamonds, we too go through “high temperature and pressure situations” that mould and shape us into the kind of people we have become. This process takes time and isn’t always pleasant but it can yield marvellous results. Through these tough times, we can grow and learn what we’re made of, our good positive traits tend to shine (as well as some of our weaknesses, but if we’re aware of them we can work on those).

Reflect on where you’ve been and the hardship in your life, know that all of these challenges are moulding you and shaping you. Everyone goes through hard times in their life, and we often may wonder why this may be. Of course, you could just say it is because life is rubbish and pointless, but I prefer to think that there is purpose in all things (even in the hard things) that happen in life.

True the things we’re talking about may not be warm and cuddly but often the true test of a person is what they’re like when things aren’t going according to plan. When things aren’t going your way how do you deal? When unexpected and unpleasant circumstances arise how do you react?

For more on this topic read this post!

The true grit and test of someone’s character is often shown when there is a need to be strong for others. To bear some of the load, the stress, the burden and to put one own needs to the side and care for someone else. To help in spite of the pain or the hurt it may cause you personally.

Diamond quality relationships

The true strength of a relationship is the same. What happens to those around you when you’re not doing so great? Do you lose your status and the friends you thought you had disappear? If so, this reveals their character and their grit just as much as yours. It’s amazing to hear of the rich and famous who fall from grace and so many of their friends vanish from their lives. This is proof that their friendship was nothing more than vapour. Check yourself and check your relationships to see if you’ve got real diamonds or another cheap substitute.

Only someone with a trained eye can tell a diamond from glass or waste rock

So often in life, it’s difficult to tell the real and rare from the fake and plentiful. There are plenty of fakers that don’t have the character to withstand the pressures of hardship and the temperatures that melt many a liquid persona. True and rare the diamond in raw form can be hard to tell from glass to the untrained eye but the value of such people is enormous. If you are able to find a diamond in the raw and recognise their worth hold on tight, that person will be with you through thick and thin.

You are tougher than you think you are

In every situation, the most important human relationship you’ll ever have is with yourself. You should be able to see the process that is honing you from a rough diamond to a radiant one. Allow yourself to learn the lessons that life is teaching you. Recognise that you have weaknesses as well as incredible strengths and both of these attributes can be built on.

If you are weak when it comes to having patience, you might want to practice having more patience. This will be difficult and life will no doubt make it challenging for you to show the patience you wish to have. But you can do it and think of the benefits.

Want to learn to be your own superhero? Read this!

Embrace your inner beauty and strength

As a rough diamond when the tough times come, hang on and embrace what makes you you. Remember your unique abilities, experiences, and talents and use them and allow the impatient, angry, jealous, parts of yourself to be cut away gradually, bit by bit.

This process will help your inner beauty and strength to begin to radiate outward no longer impeded by the non-diamond-like parts of your character.

Believe that you can change and enjoy discovering parts of you that have been concealed. It is an exciting and somewhat scary process. You may think you know yourself but there are qualities within you that have not yet been exposed and given the opportunity to shine.

A quick guide to embracing your inner beauty

  • Let go of the past (read more of how to do this in our 3 part series)
  • Acknowledge where you are right now; your strengths, talents, weaknesses
  • Be aware of and work on removing/improving your weaknesses
  • Capitalise and build on your strengths and talents
  • Record your daily progress (here are some reasons why you should try this)
  • Regularly review what’s working and what’s not and see how far you’ve come (and here’s a post to help you do this)
  • Be encouraged by the overall trend of improvements (don’t be discouraged if you experience a few setbacks this is completely normal – the important part is that you continue to try and improve, gradually it will become easier).
  • Be kind to yourself – change is hard! (more on how to do this here)

Becoming Radiant

By following the above process, you will be well on your way to becoming the radiant strong diamond that is within your capacity to become. But to move from rough to radiant you have some work to do.

Appreciate that you are right now a diamond in rough form and your inner beauty twinkles through even now. But by building on your strengths and working on your weaknesses your inner beauty can become brighter and more spectacular. Remember your talents, abilities, and strengths that are unique and special to you, some of which even you are yet to discover!

I really hope that you have been inspired and encouraged by this post. If you have, let me know I’d love to hear from you!

And if you want to continue to sharpen your sparkle sign up to our mailing list and get your own copy of our Dream Building Manual – a blueprint to building the life of your dreams!

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