7 Easy Steps to a Healthier You
It’s day 2 of the Get Healthy Change Challenge and I thought that we would cover in a broad sense the things you can do to Get Healthy. There are so many benefits for looking after yourself and being healthy that there is more than enough incentive to do a little better for ourselves than perhaps we had done before. So let’s get to the point, what should you do to get healthy today?
1. Get Enough Sleep
Whilst this may seem obvious getting enough good quality sleep is sometimes harder said than done. There are so many pulls on your time that you may find yourself staying up a little later and getting up earlier just to squeeze everything in. The result unintended shorter slumbers and not enough snoozes.
Because there is this tendancy to always be “on” and up with everything there isn’t always a lot of opportunity for you to winddown before bedtime. You may find yourself busy with life up until your head hits the pillow and this can really affect how well you sleep too.
So how much sleep is enough? Well that depends on you but the general consensus is about 8 hours per day. If you want to Get Healthy then perhaps getting enough sleep is a good place to start changing your habits.
2. Water Water Everywhere but Not a Drop to Drink
Another way to Get Healthy that is super important is ensuring you drink enough water. Now this may be difficult for you if you aren’t in the habit of doing so, but your body needs water to function.
If you’re feeling like your body isn’t performing the way that it should, try increasing your water intake.
You should be drinking at least 8 glasses per day and it’s manageable as long as you space out your consumption throughout the day. Avoiding other fluids also makes consuming water easier because you stop giving yourself other less beneficial alternatives and go with the thing that is absolute best for you.
3. Move More
Physical movement whatever you can manage is so beneficial for your health. Adding physical movement into your day is as easy as parking your car a little further away from the shops, walking the dog (who really will love you extra for walking it), playing with the kids outside, doing a bit of gardening, or perhaps going for a swim.
Physical activity aka exercise doesn’t have to be expensive or boring. It can be as fun as you make it, interesting, and even productive (like doing the gardening or cleaning your house). So, why not try being a bit more active in your life and reap the benefits of putting a little extra emphasis on your health.
4. Conscious Consumption
Our lives are surrounded by tempting treats, tantalizing recipes and easy takeaway food. Almost all social gatherings occur around food and/or alcohol and it’s so easy to over eat, or eat too much of the wrong thing especially after a long day.
One way to begin to get healthier is to start to become aware of your eating habits. You may be surprised how the “little extras” or “I’ll just have a bite” add up. And if you’re trying to lose weight you might just be creating invisible barriers for yourself when you do. So, become conscious of what you are putting into your body can really impact the way you start to make choices and give more thought to those “just this once” occasions.
There are many ways you can track what you eat and how much alcohol you consume and part of the DustyDreamerHQ change challenge is to give you a simple way to do this, if you want to start realizing exactly what you eat and make plans to change your habits into healthier ones then download our free guide now.
5. Just Relax
In this busy hectic world we live in there are more than enough reasons to stress out and feel anxious about the future. One way to start getting healthier from a mental perspective is to start making the time to relax. This can be as a cure for stress and anxiety but also a method of prevention.
One way to relax is to take minutes out of your day and schedule a walk in your local park, or perhaps just a few minutes uninterrupted lying on your bed after you get home from a busy day.
You should try to get at least 10 minutes of relaxation per day just to refuel your tank and help you to find some calm in the roller coaster of life.
6. Focus on the Positive
Focus on the positive and just take each day or each moment as it comes. Slowly building a pattern of positive thought rather than always looking at things from a negative perspective can be helpful. It is rather easy to complain or find things that aren’t so great in your life, and some people have a habit of tearing themselves down by telling themselves things that just aren’t true.
Focusing on what you’re good at, what’s good in your life and when you are making changes – your successes, helps you build confidence and momentum for your future.
7. Get Healthy Today
Whilst it’s easy to put your health and well being at the bottom of your to-do list your true effectiveness as a person in the many roles you play can be restrained. If you get sick often and feel life getting you down there are things you can do to change and start really getting the most out of your life by fueling the body you have with all the things it needs to be healthy and happy.
Rather than procrastinate choose to start where you are and change (if you need a little extra motivation read this post). Join the 30 day change challenge and start getting healthier today because throughout the 30 days we’ll give you the tools and the inspiration to build the life of your dreams, starting with a healthy mind and body!